What is PT-141?

PT-141 (also known as Bremelanotide), approved for use by the FDA, is a melanocortin-based peptide used for the treatment of low sexual desire in women (calm down), and may also address problems of sexual interest (libido) among men who have altered or disrupted hormonal states. It may be used as an alternative to Viagra or Cialis in men with low sexual drive and ED associated with a lowered libido. However, it has also been known to have the favorable side effects of an increased sense of strength, sex drive and vitality.

PT-141 was originally tested as a sunless tanning agent, (NOTE: this is a potential risk of overuse) but it also seemed to cause sexual arousal and spontaneous erections in 9 out of the 10 original male volunteer test subjects. Melanotan II was produced to stimulate melanogenesis, the process that is responsible for skin pigmentation. Melanotan II was also known to suppress appetites and enhance libido, in addition to promoting skin tanning.  In fact, it's a reasonable option for men who participate in body building competitions, as they can get darker skin faster and have more energy to power through their workouts.

How does it work?

Unlike Viagra, Cialis, Trimix and other similar medications, it does not act in the vascular system, but directly increases sexual desire within the nervous system. It stimulates and activates the dopamine hormones that happen to play a major role in sexual motivation. Dopamine is a known compound in the body, it’s a neurotransmitter that stimulates performance. When you have low levels of dopamine, your libido is lowered.

PT-141 is administered as a subcutaneous injection (not unlike the way HCG or Sermorelin are injected) that's given 1-4 hours before playtime and it's effects on sexual desire and spontaneous erections typically lasts anywhere from 8-24 hours. Like other hormonal influencers, it should be kept refrigerated. Watch this brief video on How to perform a Subcutaneous Injection

Potential Side Effects

Self-limited episodes of headache, nausea, and flushing were experienced by some study participants, effects which abated when the dose was lowered. It was noted that the headaches experienced from well-known ED medications like Cialis and Viagra were more intense and lasted far longer than those who experienced them with PT 141.

Potential Benefits of PT 141

  • Helps enhance sexual satisfaction

  • Increases libido and sexual desire

  • Promotes stronger erections

  • More energy

  • Tan skin

If you’re already a REV Client, ask your doctor if PT 141 is right for you.

Click here to schedule a PT 141 Video Consultation

Scroll down to #6 - PT 141 Video Consultation

This is what our clients are saying about PT 141;

“So I loved the PT-141, aside from my ears being warm the 1st few hours and slight headache it was great , it also gave me some energy for the next couple days and some more drive. I loved that my sinuses where not affected” - Adrian Ft L

“First time use of pt-141 was an awesome experience. Felt strong libido effects for at least 12 hours and lessor effects for another 12. Walking and the friction from my pants would result in an erection. Many erections throughout the day. The side effects I experienced were minimal. Intimacy with my partner was on another level and my climax came easier than normal” - David Chicago

“Of all the ED products I’ve tried I think this is my favorite. PT 141 usually takes 8-10 hrs to work but… for about 2-3 days I have spontaneous and dependable results” - Joseph, SF

“After experiencing some mild face flushing and some very mild nausea that lasted maybe an hour, I got my first spontaneous erection. I continued to get spontaneous erections for the rest of the afternoon, evening, and night” - Rob, Atlanta

“Unfortunately I had no response from it. The only side effect I had was facial flushing - no big deal I was expecting it. I took what I believe the instructions said and that was 20 units. I used the whole vial taking as prescribed I think no more that two times a week. To say the least I was very disappointed” - Tom, Palm Springs

“Rather than just giving me a rock hard erection, It improves my interest in sex, which helps give me a more natural feeling erection. I’ll definitely keep this in my arsenal as an option for having great sex” - Ken, Ptown

“We have been taking 10 - 15 units each time. Initially we had some very mild side effects-- maybe some acid reflux & a slight headache the first time but less so with consecutive doses. I would most certainly recommend it to a friend” - James, SF